It's been a while, has it not? Well, if you don't frequent this too often, yes, it has been a while since out last post. As odd as it may sound, we are actually a student-run group at that good ol' university of illinois...soooooooo
we had finals
but all that aside, I am sure you have all read Amy's beautiful, heartfelt goodbye post earlier this month*coughREADIFYOUHAVENTcough* excuse me, well, this post here features Amy's final show with DeBono, and as much as we hate to say goodbye to one of our most senior members of the team, we couldn't have had a more cooky, more fun final show. :)
but, before i unveil the goods lemme walk you through some pictures
like an old granny would of her grandchildren
or your best friend would after their vacation.
you'll actually LIKE looking at these photos :)

And now, without further ado....our final show of the year, semester and with the Great Amy Leahy! :)
Host - Michael Gaschler
Beatbox conductor - Jordan Lange
BEATBOX - suggestion: sunglasses
FREEEEEEZE - suggestion: zombies
THE DeBono MUSICAL - suggestion: evil lair
Oh, and thanks to santa, we've raised some money for a spankin' new CAMERA!!! woo! so hopefully our videos will be a touch better.
have a dandy new year! celebrate it right and tell your friends about DeBono! :)
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